
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 2 of 409

Yes that is correct 409 days without my best friend. Now when I figured that up it made me nuts so I decided to go by paydays instead. ( I think I saw that on another blog and it seems like a much better idea so thanks) So. 27 more paydays. There that doesn't sound so bad does it? If I could only trick my brain into buying that. Last night was horrible. I didn't sleep until 1:30 am and woke up at 8. I literally yawned the entire day. People must have thought that I thought them very boring! I'm hoping I sleep better tonight as I have a full week of stuff to do from running kids around to karate, scouts and guitar to trying to catch up on the BOATLOAD of school work I ignored during his last 2 weeks home. One prof was understanding the other not so much. Suffice it to say I have an enormous amount of boring reading and papers due by the end of the week. Sigh...I hope I get to do it. I really don't want to wreak the GPA I've worked so hard on now. I should be reading now.. so I will get to it I suppose. I've been told to wallow then get on with it. So hopefully I can do that!! Time to get on with it!

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